Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (2024)


By Alisa Fleming on Dairy Free Desserts, Dairy-Free Recipes, In The News

Updated for 2022! If you’re wondering what dairy-free dessert to serve for the holidays, you’ve come to the right place. Every year, I update this listing of dairy-free pies with even more incredible recipes for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and beyond. It includes delicious holiday pie recipes with options for vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, refined sugar-free, paleo, and more. Plus, I’ve rounded out the post with additional dairy-free crust recipes and tips for toppings. And to make navigating even easier, I’ve added these jump links. Just click on the section you want to jump straight to it:

  • Pumpkin Pies
  • Pecan Pies
  • Apple Pies and Crisps
  • Sweet Potato Pies
  • More Unique Holiday Pies
  • Pie Crusts

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (1)

Over 75 Dairy-Free Pies for the Holidays

Of course, all of the following pie recipes are dairy-free (lactose-free, casein-free, whey-free, milk-free, etc.). Plus, the recipes are gluten-free as noted, as long as you use a gluten-free pie crust. See the crust recipes near the end of this article for some great options. Also, for the dairy-free pies labeled as soy-free or optionally soy-free, use a soy-free butter alternative when needed. We’ve tested Country Crock, Melt Organic, or Earth Balance Soy-Free sticks. They each bake up beautifully. Miyoko’s also works great for pie crust, but it is pricier! Here is the free-from label key for this guide:

  • v = vegan or vegan option (also egg-free)
  • gf = gluten-free or gluten-free option
  • nf = nut-free or nut-free option
  • sf = soy-free or soy-free option

Now, onto those holiday recipes for dairy-free pies. I’ve highlighted some my personal favorites. But you can also find recipes for more of my favorite dairy-free pies in Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook!

Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pies

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (2)

Dairy-Free Pecan Pies

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (3)

Dairy-Free Apple Pies and Crisps

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (4)

Dairy-Free Sweet Potato Pies

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (5)

More Unique Dairy-Free Pies for the Holidays

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (6)

Dairy-Free Pie Crusts

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (7)

Dairy-Free Whipped Topping & Ice Cream

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (8)

Don’t forget the topping! Truly dairy-free whipped topping is still a bit elusive, but it’s getting easier to locate in stores. Plus, it is surprisingly easy to make your own vegan whipped “cream” (or should I say crème?) at home. For full details on both store-bought and homemade options, see my detailed post on How to Find or Make Dairy-Free and Vegan Whipped Cream. And you can easily make my Foolproof Dairy-Free Whipped Cream Recipe (it’s foolproof if you follow the directions and tips!).

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (9)

As for dairy-free ice cream, you can get a wonderful array of dairy-free, vegan, and gluten-free frozen desserts at most major grocers these days. See our Best Dairy-Free Vanilla Ice Cream Guide for our favorites, or trymy Purely Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe in Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook.

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (10)

Dairy-Free Pies: Over 75 Recipes for the Holidays (2024)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.