10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (2024)

By PhotoPlus, Dan Mold

last updated

Professional car photographer Alan Kenny shares 10 top tips that will take your automotive shots up a gear

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (1)

Car photography is a brilliantly varied genre where it's just as easy to take fantastic action shots of fast and furious shots as well as sublime static stills of vehicles parked up and showing off their fabulous curves and paintwork in a great location.

For this photoshoot we paired PhotoPlus reader Kamil Graj up with Alan Kenny; a petrol head and resident car photographer at Silverstone Auctions and Classic Car Auctions to take some top pictures of a few cars for one of their upcoming online auctions.

Here you'll find Alan's top 10 car photography tips, along with some of the images that Kamil was able to capture by taking them on board and applying them to his own photography.

Best camera for car photography

01 Get a long lens

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (2)

"To get frame-filling shots of cars speeding off in the distance I use a Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS lens. This is great for zooming in on the action, and even static car shots where the compressed perspective is beneficial. It has a fast maximum aperture of f/2.8 throughout the zoom range making it easier to take pin-sharp action shots. It also has a three mode image stabilization and a tripod foot, whichhelps balance the load more evenly whenmounted on a tripod or monopod."

Best 70-200mm lenses

02 Get down low

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (3)

"When I'm outside photographing cars in a landscape I recommend crouching down so you’re eye level with the car headlights for a more exciting composition. This means that you aren’t shooting down at the cars from head height, which can be a relatively boring angle sometimes, and makes it easier to include some of the nice landscape in the background too."

03 Make your own puddles

"What’s better than one classic car? Two of course! Reflections are a great way of doubling up your focal point and can also help to balance the frame, plus adding extra interest in the foreground. You can’t always rely on the weather so sometimes I'll make my own reflections by throwing a few buckets of water in front of the ground on a concrete floor where the water won’t disappear quickly."

04 Use a circular polarizing filter

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (5)

"A polarizing filter attached to your lens is essential for car photography as they help cut down on distracting reflections on the body work and puddles, and can also help the blues in the sky look more punchy by filtering out polarized light. Above you can see the huge difference a polarizer can make, cutting down the harsh reflections and smoothing out the lighting in the frame, yet the body of the car is still beautiful and shiny. Anyone interested in car and landscape photography should own one as they’re really affordable too and can help elevate all sort of photos."

Best polarizing filters

05 Merge exposures into an HDR image

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (6)

"An easy way to create an HDR image is to load your exposures into Photoshop CC or Lightroom Classic CC, then select them all and right-click on one of the thumbnails. Now choose Merge to HDR from the list that appears to create a Raw DNG file with all of the exposure info of all your images, allowing you to expand the dynamic range much broader than with a single picture."

Download Lightroom

06 Shoot from a high angle

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (7)

"You’ll usually find compositions will work better when either kneeling down for a low angle or moving to an elevated position to get a high-angle shot, images taken at head height can look a bit drab. Usually a low angle is the easiest option but there was an external staircase at this location that made it possible to get high-angle images too. I also have a drone I’ll use to get aerial-view shot of cars if the brief calls for it."

07 Try panning your shots to add movement

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (8)

"For panning shots I'll switch to Tv (Shutter Priority) and set the shutter speed to 1/30 sec with an ISO of 200. Once I've taken a panning shot I'll check it on the rear LCD screen. If it’s too blurry I’ll change the shutter speed to a faster one like 1/50 sec, but if there’s not enough motion I’ll make the shutter speed a bit slower, to a value of 1/5 sec for example, and shoot again."

08 Use space wisely

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (9)

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (10)

"Where you place the car in the frame has a huge impact on composition. When the car is side-on it’s usually best to position the rear end of the car close to the left or right of the frame as this creates ‘active space’ and gives the front of the car room to breathe. You want to avoid positioning the front of the car at the edge of the frame as this creates a lot of ‘dead space’ behind the car and doesn’t look as appealing."

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (11)

"My current employers Silverstone Auctions and Classic Car Auctions hired me after seeing some of my car shots on Instagram, so I’d certainly recommend putting your stuff out there online – it’sfree advertisem*nt! You can check out more of my shots on my Instagram here."

10 Carry spares of everything!

"I always carry at least four LP-E6 backup batteries, which work in both my main EOS 5D Mark IV and back-up 70D DSLR bodies, so I have more than enough power to get through an entire shoot. Carry spares of everything from camera bodies, batteries and even memory cards as you don't want to end your shoot early because something has stopped working."

Best camera batteries

Alan Kenny Alan picked up his first ‘proper’ camera back in 2004 and he’s been a Canon shooter ever since, shooting with an EOS 5D Mark IV today. Since 2018 he’s been shooting cars full-time for Classic Car Auctions and Silverstone Auctions in Coventry after they found his shots on Instagram.You can see more of his work on his official website.

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (13)

PhotoPlus: The Canon Magazine is the world's only monthly newsstand title that's 100% devoted to Canon, so you can be sure the magazine is completely relevant to your system.

Read more:

The best lens for portraits: our pick of the best 85mm lenses right now
Best light-light cameras
The best camera for portraits: cameras and lenses perfect for portraits
215 photography tips, techniques and tricks for taking pictures of anything

10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (14)

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10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (15)

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10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (16)


PhotoPlus: The Canon Magazine is the world’s only 100% Canon-focused title on the newsstand. Launched in 2007, for 14 years it has delivered news, reviews, buying guides, features, inspirational projects and tutorials on cameras, lenses, tripods, gimbals, filters, lighting and all manner of photography equipment.

Aimed squarely at enthusiast photographers who use the Canon DSLR or mirrorless camera systems, all content is tailored to Canon users – so everything from techniques to product tests are tailored to those using the EOS camera system.

Editor Peter Travers brings 14 years of experience as both a journalist and professional photographer, with Technique Editor Dan Mold shoring up the magazine with his 6 years of expertise.

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10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs (2024)


10 car photography tips: Take amazing automotive photographs? ›

Use a wide aperture size (f/5 or lower) to blur out the background, or a narrow one (f/8 and up) to keep both the car and the background in focus. In general, you should also use a low ISO setting and a quick shutter speed.

What are the best settings for automotive photography? ›

Use a wide aperture size (f/5 or lower) to blur out the background, or a narrow one (f/8 and up) to keep both the car and the background in focus. In general, you should also use a low ISO setting and a quick shutter speed.

How do you take the perfect picture of a car? ›

Shoot the car from straight on at eye level, get side views, and capture shots at 45-degree angle views of each corner of the car. “One of the biggest tips l give beginners is to know the angles of cars,” Petty explains. “Every car looks best at a three-quarters angle. That's kind of like the go-to shot.

What is the best filter for automotive photography? ›

Circular polarizing filters are the best tool for combatting reflections, but you must also be aware of how they work. Circular polarizer filters work best when the sun is at a 90-degree angle to your subject. That means, if you have your camera pointed at a car, you want the sun behind you or at your left/right side.

How do you make cool pictures of cars? ›

Car photography tips:
  1. 1 - Make it shine. ...
  2. 2 - Plan according to the weather. ...
  3. 3 - Choose your car shoot locations carefully. ...
  4. 4 - Aim for the golden hour. ...
  5. 5 - A dedicated camera will take your photos to the next level. ...
  6. 6 - Lens choice. ...
  7. 7 - Shoot all of it, don't miss anything. ...
  8. 8 - Pay attention to angles and height.
May 20, 2023

What is the best aperture for car photography? ›

Overall, best camera settings for car photography are:

To blur the background, use a wide aperture f/2.8 - f/5. To keep the car and background in focus, narrow down your aperture to f/8 and up. Use ISO 100.

What is the best angle to take car pictures for selling? ›

Give potential buyers a good variety

Other great shots you should post to the listing include the front of the car, both side profiles, the rear, the front interior, the rear interior, a shot of the odometer reading, the trunk and a rear three-quarter shot of the back and side of the car.

How do you reduce reflections in car photography? ›

Light limiters

Most car paint catches and reflects light, which can be a problem without the right equipment. A neutral density filter limits light, almost like a pair of sunglasses for your lens. You can also use a circular polariser, which specialises in reducing glare.

How to take good pictures of a car for sale? ›

Schedule your photo shoot for the early morning, or about an hour before sunset. Don't take photos at night or in harsh sunlight. Potential buyers won't be able to see the details on your car. Be sure to take photos of any dents and dings.

Which is better CPL or ND filter for car photography? ›

ND or CPL filter: final thoughts on which is better

In conclusion, ND and CPL filters stand as powerful tools for improving your photography. While CPL filters excel in managing reflections and enriching colours, ND filters offer control over exposure, allowing for a diverse range of creative possibilities.

What are the 4 types of car filters? ›

Every car has four main filters: the cabin filter, oil filter, fuel filter and air filter. The function of all these filters is to enable flows and catch impurities: the dust and contaminants in the air, the impurities in the fuel or the dirt in the motor oil.

What is the UV filter for car photography? ›

An UV filter is perfect to protect the expensive front element of your lens from scratches, dust, grinding and even breaking altogether. If you are shooting a rally were the gravel can be thrown around towards you, an UV filter could safe your day if one of these little stones happens to find it's way onto your lens.

How to take good car photos with phone? ›

10 Tips on How to Photograph Cars with Your Smartphone
  1. HAVE A PRO MINDSET. It doesn't matter whether you're holding a phone or a camera. ...
  3. KEEP IT SIMPLE. ...

How do you take 360 pictures of a car? ›

Mount the camera on a tripod and make sure it is level. Use the remote shutter to shoot multiple cars from different angles and make sure to shoot the whole car. Move the camera to take pictures of the roof and bottom of the car. Use image compositing software to combine images into a seamless 360-degree view.

What are the recommended auto ISO settings? ›

Set the ISO to 100, 200, or 400 depending on the lighting. Select an aperture that would give me the depth of field or overall image sharpness I wanted. Hope the shutter speed wasn't too slow so I didn't get a blurry picture. If the shutter speed was too slow, raise the ISO to no more than 800.

Do professional photographers use auto mode? ›

Even the pros use auto mode

Seriously though there is more than one auto mode on a camera. Take aperture or shutter priority for example. You set the aperture or shutter speed and the camera decides the rest. You can bet your bottom dollar many 'pros' use these settings which are partly auto.

What is the best shutter speed for car rolling shots? ›

Sometimes getting the PERFECT rolling shot requires some sacrifice in settings. For years I've used Shutter Priority Mode and let the camera determine the aperture. If you think you can manage flipping the aperture whilst hanging out of a moving vehicle, more power to you. I prefer to use anything between 1/20-1/40.


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